Taking the time to do a face mask should be a luxurious experience, a quiet moment for you. Unfortunately most DIY face masks are a messy, problematic to apply (and keep on the face) and aren’t very effective.
Despite what the world of Pinterest might suggest, there are actually very few ingredients in your kitchen that should make it to your face. Definitely step away from the lemon juice and sodium bicarb.
That said, while the messy world of DIY face masks could leave your face feeling more like a wall in a children’s cooking class than the pampered money maker it was meant to be, there are tried and tested formula for doing it yourself.
Comfortably cut the experimentation and risk feeling like a piece of toast with the recipe below.
When you go DIY for a moisturizing face mask, start with honey.
Not just any honey though. Make sure that it’s as close to the source you can find and not the uber processed stuff sold as honey in most of the larger retailers.
Manuka Honey is the gold standard. And while it can cost a pretty penny, honey doesn’t go bad so you can get years—yes, years—out of a jar. Honey also has the ideal viscosity for a DIY mask so you don’t end up dripping glop off your face everywhere.
Most importantly though, honey is also antibacterial, heals wounds (so acne), is anti-inflammatory, and contains tons of antioxidants. It also acts as a humectant and draws water to the skin, which makes it great for giving that plumb, glowing look.
A DIY moisturizing face mask
A quick recipe:
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 teaspoon of avocado oil
- 1 teaspoon of clay (optional but great if you have dry but breakout prone skin)
Add everything in a small stove-top appropriate bowl and heat gently on low. Stir everything together, pour into an airtight container and let cool.
Or not, this mask is delicious when applied to the skin when it’s still warm.
A couple notes
- If adding clay, don’t let the mask dry out on your skin, and mist with your favourite toner if you’re not ready to remove it when it starts drying out.
Insert favourite beverage and favourite TV show here.
- When you are ready to remove the mask, gently wash away with warm water and a warm washcloth if you like. Then finish with your favourite toner and serum before moving on.
- This recipe is great before an event to give your skin a glowing, hydrated finish before makeup. It’s also perfect as a Sunday night ritual to start the week.
- Also, If you also make too much, each of these ingredients are fairly stable so keep the airtight container in a cool, dark place and finish it up next time!
Masking should, quite frankly, be a wonderful and relaxing experience. Not something you dread because you have to clean the kitchen and a bunch of dishes when you’re done.
The mask recipe here is easy to make, quick to clean up and is wonderfully moisturizing for anytime your skin needs a pick me up.